Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Explained | Page 55

My Spine Explained What do you need to know? Understanding your condition is paramount for successful treatment. It is important to ask your specialist as many questions as you can. When you have asked all your questions and have made sure that you under- stand the answers, you should write them down and then do thorough research. Talking to other patients is rarely helpful, as they would most likely have a different cause for their back or neck pain and misinformation is much more dangerous than no information. Other patients will also fre- quently have preconceptions and misconceptions about the nature of spinal pain as well as its treatment. The internet is a good source of information, as are information leaflets and books written by professionals. It is important to go back to your specialist following your research and clarify anything that you are still not sure about. The (vicious) cycle of pain The effects of acute pain are many and varied. Acute pain can cause enor- mous amounts of stress and anxiety in patients. The factor of the unknown, the reduced ability to deal with everyday life, anger, uncertainty and fear combine in a heady cocktail that can spell disaster. Certain types of personality traits and also certain perceptions or misconcep- tions add fuel to the fire. Think for instance of the anxious type of person who has seen a family member have a bad experience with spinal pain, perhaps compounded by unsuccessful treatment or surgery. The enormous amount of stress that the pain, the associated fear and anxiety and burdens of everyday life can place on a person is usually detrimental to a normal sleeping pattern. If you add the physical effects of pain, a vicious cycle develops. 54