Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Cervical | Page 23

My Spine - Cervical
Compression of the spinal cord is very dangerous and can lead to paralysis . One of the earliest signs of impending paralysis is very brisk reflexes when the specialist taps your knee or elbow . Compression of a nerve root may lead to pins and needles , pain and weakness of that part of the arm and hand which is supplied by that specific nerve . See the description of dermatomes in the chapter �eck Pain .
What are the symptoms ?
When the part of the nucleus that herniated compresses the nerves in the spinal canal , you may experience neck pain and pain in one or both arms . Some people experience pins and needles in the hands . Pain and discomfort may also be sensed in the shoulder , between the shoulder blades or at the front of the chest ( thorax ).
At a later stage , weakness in the arms and hands may be experienced .
How is it diagnosed ?
A clinical examination by your specialist or therapist will allow for a reasonable suspicion , but the only definite way is by doing a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) scan ( see the chapter Tests and Scans ).
Sometimes , because of technical factors , a CT scan is performed ( see the chapter Tests and Scans ). This is usually when an MRI scan cannot be performed due to the unavailability of an MRI scanner , when there are contraindications to doing a scan or when technical factors such as the presence of certain metal fusion apparatus in the spine , make an MRI scan unreliable .
See the chapter Tests and Scans for the terminology that you will find on your MRI scan report and what it means in plain English .
Other tests that might be used are discograms and nerve blocks . Sometimes EMGs are also used ( see the chapter Tests and Scans ).