DOZ Issue 44 June 2019 | Page 6

“Anna,” she said with a smile, “God loves you and is a Great Father if we trust ourselves to Him.” She remembered at the time that she tried not to be offended at such a direct statement. Anna’s Story Thankfully, the seed was sown in her heart. On one of her few Sundays off, Anna went to a nearby church. She dressed carefully and arrived early enough to pick a seat of her choice. No one knew her here. Gloria Pierre Dean T he feeling of despair in Anna’s mind was overwhelming. Despite obeying all the man-made rules and complying with her managers, the office staff hated her. ‘It all seems so useless,’ she frequently cried to herself. As the supervisor, she oriented and mentored new staff and assessed them after three months, as was company policy. She was responsible for terminating them too if that was necessary. “Improve your productivity or leave,” she would often say to the staff. “This is an insurance company. We stand or fall by what you do and say”. “Look the part and talk the talk “ was a favourite line. Each day she went home and wept. She hated the job. Harry, her long-suffering husband would comfort her, and he tried to get her to look at other more enjoyable options of employment. “What do you want to do in your heart?” he would ask patiently. “Let us talk about this, love.” When she and Harry �irst met, she had told him of her dream to design clothes. But somewhere along the line she had abandoned that dream and was working in her current role. She often questioned herself, “Is it worth it? I get up early �ive days a week. I get to work on time. No one likes me. I am hated.” DOZ Magazine | June 2019 On some occasions, she had overheard bathroom conversations, and her suspicion of what the staff felt was justi�ied. But the business was prosperous, so the owners loved her. On one of her weekends, she went for a walk and happened upon a bookstore. It seemed different. Then she realised it was Christian. It was called Manna House. She saw a DVD titled “Who am I?” It was written by a Pastor who had been a lawyer. He was so unhappy until he had a “Damascus Road” experience in which he heard these words, “who are you?” Anna prayed the same prayer that the writer prayed. “Father, what do you want me to do?” It had been some time since she had prayed. Soon after, Anna felt an urge to go to church. She was desperate and felt that she might receive comfort there. As a child, she had given her life to the Lord. Her parents were believers and had brought her up in the church. These days though, she did not go to church except for weddings and funerals. What drew her closer still was fellow worker Pam, who was a Christian. She was the only person who was ever friendly. 6 She enjoyed the singing and praise and worship. Then came the sermon by Pastor Joel Bidden. Strangely, the sermon was about vanity. The pastor de�ined it as “ excessive pride in or admiration of one’s appearance or achievements.” The church seemed to spin as she sat there, listening to him read out what appeared to be her life story. Tears �lowed down her face. “My company has asked if I can go to Zambia for a few months.” She gasped and waited. “It would be to survey a district and train young engineers to design and dig wells with World Vision. It would be for about six months. I want to go but do not want to leave you alone, my dearest,” said Harry. “Oh, what joy! God is at work!” she sang as she danced around the room. So here was the answer, the work ethic that ruled her life, drove away her friends, and made her the most arrogant driver in the neighbourhood; all seemed to stem from pride and vanity. She decided to start reading the Bible. As she delved further into The Word, she found that Solomon had written many wise verses about many subjects. This one impacted her deeply; Using her skills and contacts, she got permission to start a fashion design school. They were able to safely ship the machinery before she left the US. So, Anna and Harry went to Zambia with World Vision. He did his job, and she opened her school. When the six months was over, they had both ful�illed their purpose. Her school was named ‘Christian Designers,’ and she was able to help quite a few local young men and women. “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” Clothes were being designed, created with African fabrics, and exported at a pro�it. She was happy to leave the school in the hands of two competent designers who managed, created and taught, and happily were Christians. The motto was to design and export African clothes to local and international clients. As you can imagine, Anna’s life changed. She spoke to the Pastor and rededicated her life to the Lord. Over time with prayer and support, and the wisdom she found in The Word, she learned how to put God �irst and not work and success. Harry was so pleased. Each morning they woke early and studied The Word together and sang hymns. Back home in the US, Anna was able to help the company by importing and selling their products. Thus, improving the economy of Zambian women. This achievement gave her a sense of purpose and peace. One night she had a strange dream. In the dream she was designing clothes in Zambia, of all places. The next morning, she wrote down her dream. It seemed so real. Imagine her surprise when at the breakfast table, Harry spoke up and said hesitantly, 7 DOZ Magazine | June 2019