DOZ Issue 39 January 2019 | Page 10

DOZ Leadership Lessons Eturuvie Erebor MAGARET THATCHER M argaret Thatcher, also known as The Iron Lady, was the first female Prime Minister of Britain and the most famous leader of Britain since Winston Churchill. She began life as the daughter of a grocery shop owner. Her father, Alfred Roberts, taught her to stand up for her convictions and never compromise on things that matter. He also helped cultivate her mind by giving her access to non-fiction books that most girls her age did not read. It was while reading these books that she discovered her love for international affairs and politics. Although she initially studied Chemistry at Oxford University her passion for Politics caused her to return to Oxford to study Law. It was at this point that she met her husband, Denis Thatcher, who from the onset supported her dreams and political ambitions. Two years into their marriage, she had twins, Carol and Mark. Her husband had a good income so they could afford to employ a nanny to look after their children while she pursued her DOZ Magazine | January 2019 career. But it has been said that she was a good mother and homemaker who organised her itinerary so that she had time for her family. And she ran her home efficiently making it possible for her to be a good wife, mother, and politician all at the same time. She was a member of the Conservative Party and in 1959 ran for parliament a second time and won. In this position, she introduced a bill that permitted the media to cover local government meetings. She moved through the ranks of her party and rose to the position of leader and then Prime Minister of Britain. Her journey as Britain’s leader had its ups and downs but through it all, one thing was clear, Margaret Thatcher was a woman who stood by her convictions even when her approval rating in the eyes of the public was reducing at an alarming rate. She once said, “I will not change just to court popularity.” If she was known for anything, it was her resolve in the decisions that she made. She once said, “If you have a sense of purpose and a sense 10