DOZ Issue 35 September 2018 | Page 7

“Then give yourself to God and let Jesus be Lord, give the gift back to Him and see what happens.” Heeding his advice, Melanie laid her plans at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. She stopped practicing what she thought He wanted. For the first time in her life, she repented of this sin and all the sins she had ever committed or ever would commit. She accepted Jesus’ payment for her sins, and she became His new creation, His child. A rather bold decision that seemed to end in failure led her to the greatest decision she would ever make. Without her rashness, would she ever have come to the crossroads that led to eternal life? Finally, Jesus gave that gift back to her in a new and holy way, and she enjoyed many years of using it for His glory. Later in life, she taught others and those others taught others. Her gift continues to Glorify God and to bless people. DOZ Magazine September 2018 7 «