DOZ Issue 34 August 2018 | Page 13

DOZ Leadership Lessons Helen Keller H Eturuvie Erebor elen Keller was an author, political activist, and lecturer. She has been described as the most famous disabled person of her time. She was deaf and blind following an illness she contracted when she was about nineteen months old. Communication from that time onwards became a huge challenge which left her frustrated and caused her to become in her own words, an incorrigible child. At age seven, she met with Anne Sullivan who would become her teacher, and she quickly changed from an unruly child to an obedient and disciplined child. Only at this stage was she fit to learn. Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller to read and write in Braille and Helen went on to attend the top schools and colleges of her day. From there she became an advocate for those in similar circumstances and an inspiration to all. DOZ Magazine August 2018 13 «