DOZ Issue 31 May 2018 | Page 7

Jesus Pursues Us T (Part Two in the Identifying with Jesus’ Love Series) Angela Steele he truth is that Jesus initiates love, and His life-giving words soak my thirsty heart. Jesus approves of me, and He wants me. Jesus gives healing for hurt, grace for grief. He is attentive. “Everything about your life hinges on the answer to one simple question: Do you know how loved you really are?” writes Wayne Jacobson from his book entitled He Loves Me! Learning to Live in the Father’s Affection. The Holy Spirit beckons us to rest. Hope heals the emotionally abandoned, the physically aching. Dismissed, discarded, and misunderstood hearts writhe from loneliness, but He comforts the broken hearted. Hollow hearts echo emptiness, but He fills them. Once I began to understand how much Jesus really does love me, it dawned on me that I have options. A veil lifted from my eyes, and clouded thoughts became clear. My options are that I can believe and respond to a lie, or I can believe and respond to God’s truth. Satan’s scheme would have me adhering to lies that rendered me powerless. The truth is that I already have power because of Jesus’ finished work on the Cross. Here are a couple examples.  Lie: “God won’t help me. I’m unworthy. I messed up. I have nothing to offer.”  Truth: God helps me. I am worthy. I have the mind of Christ. I have a lot to offer.” Lie: I am stuck in this mess.  Truth: All things are possible in Christ. As my mind started to be renewed to God’s truth, new thoughts patterns dominated my thinking and decision- making. The circumstances and people hasn’t changed, but my response to them has and continues to do so. I’ve started to ask the Father what He says, and new options thrill me. I continually ask Jesus to help me see life through His eyes and to come into agreement with how much He loves me, how He sees me, and the tender truths He sings over me. How we perceive God colors how we see others and ourselves. Am I going to believe Satan’s lies or my Savior’s love? “Rejecting Satan’s lie and accepting God’s evaluation of us leads to a renewed hope, joy, and purpose in life,” shares Robert S. McGee in his book called  The Search for Significance. Who I am in Christ is the truest thing about me. He sees me as holy and pure. Renewing my mind to this fact is an ongoing adventure. “The Holy Spirit began to show me who I am in Jesus and told me that if I would just surrender my own opinion of myself and agree with His opinion of me, my heart would be made whole, and my life would be transformed,” testifies Connie Witter in her book entitled Living Loved Living Free- Experience the Freedom of Living in the Father’s Love through the Finished Work of Jesus. It’s not all about us, and what we can accomplish. It’s about Him, and what He has already accomplished. If you are apprehensive to believe what He says about you, simply ask Him to help you see yourself the way He sees you. Relief and rest are found in Him as we identify with who Jesus is and who He is in us. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG Jesus, thank You for pursuing me with Your gentle, tender love. I receive Your love. Help me this day to draw near to You. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. DOZ Magazine May 2018 7 «