DOZ Issue 26 December 2017 | Page 8

Leadership Lessons from the Ten Virgins T he parable of the ten virgins was told by Jesus and can be found in Matthew 25:1-13. The Bible says that five of the virgins were wise and five were foolish. All ten The Leadership Lessons from the of them went forth to meet the bridegroom. The Ten Virgins; five who were foolish took their lamps but took 1 The wise sleep after they have worked. The no oil with them. But the five who were wise took foolish sleep because it is night time. When their lamps and took oil with them. As they waited you are unprepared, you have no business for the Bridegroom, there was a delay, and they fell sleeping. Sleep is for those who have worked asleep. Then at midnight, there was a cry saying, and are tired and need to refresh themselves. “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Just because it is night time and others are him.” All the virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. At sleeping, is no reason for you to sleep. You that point, the foolish realised that they would need could turn it into preparation time. some oil and said to those who were wise, “please give 2 The wise are not afraid to say no. us some of your oil.” But the wise, said, “no we can’t Don’t be afraid to say no. Many people do do that because it will not be enough for us and not know how to say no, and so they take on you. Go to those that sell and buy for yourselves.” problems that are not theirs, and it stops them (Paraphrased) As the foolish went out to buy oil, from making progress in their own lives. Wise the bridegroom came, and those who were people know when and how to say no. They also ready entered the feast with him, and the know that saying no doesn’t make them selfish or door was shut against those who were wicked, but it ensures that they are able to walk in not ready. their God-given purpose and fulfil destiny. If the wise virgins did not say no to the foolish virgins, they would have « 8 DOZ Magazine December 2017 Eturuvie Erebor