DOZ Issue 26 December 2017 | Page 10


3 Beliefs that Have to Change if You Want to be



Buife Nomeh
grew up in a society where it is expected that the ambition of every woman must end in the kitchen . Abbreviations like W . E . E . K – Women ’ s Education Ends in the Kitchen , were printed in magazines made for school girls . Admittedly , some of those abbreviations were written for the fun of it , but it ’ s no secret that that ’ s the mentality of the society we live in . Women are expected to prepare themselves , ultimately , for the kitchen and the “ other room .”
Sadly , many of us do just that . As young girls , all our hope and ambition was to be called “ Mrs ” and “ Mum .” Is anything wrong with those aspirations ? Heck , no . The marriage institution was ordained by God . However , God never made marriage to be an end , but as a means to the end . Unfortunately , most of us spend our whole time getting ready for the “ means ” without giving so much as a thought to the “ end .”
Still , God ’ s focused on the end – His purpose for your life , which is for you to influence the world for His Kingdom using the gifts He gave you ( Isaiah 61:1-4 ). As Scripture says , “ God ’ s gifts and God ’ s call are under full warranty – NEVER CANCELED , NEVER
RESCINDED ” ( Romans 11:29 , MSG ). Yes , you are a vital part of God ’ s grand scheme .
Maybe , you already know this . Maybe , you ’ ve been feeling that tug in your heart – of God ’ s Spirit telling you that it ’ s time for you to step up your game . Maybe , you ’ ve been dancing around accepting this call . Maybe , you ’ ve said ‘ yes ’ to God but find that you are stuck – you don ’ t know where to begin , or nothing you do seems to work .
Whatever it is , I feel directed to remind you not to “ become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking . Instead , fix your attention on God . You ’ ll be changed from the inside out . Readily recognize what he wants from you , and quickly respond to it . Unlike the culture around you , always dragging you down to its level of immaturity , God brings the best out of you , develops well-formed maturity in you .” – Romans 12:2 , MSG .
You may be a woman – single or married – but God ’ s got an assignment for you . You must strip yourself of the long-held beliefs you ’ ve had about who you are , and what you can or cannot do as a woman ( which society and culture taught you ) so you can embrace fully the journey God is calling you out for , and succeed in it .
Here are 3 beliefs that you must get rid of if you want to be successful :
10 DOZ Magazine December 2017