Downsizing Information Kit | Page 23

Caregivers How you can help make the transition a little easier. 1 2 3 4 5 Plan to check in with your parent(s) regularly and often. They need you now more than ever. Adjusting to new surroundings, their new home and the neighbourhood or facility can take weeks, even months. Everyone is different but it’s common for people to feel grief at the loss of their home, but also relief that their new situation is less stressful and easier in a day-to-day sense. If independent, keep asking your parent(s) about what they’re eating during the move and make sure they have access to healthy food and lots of fluids. Cook some dinners they can re-heat or organise a meal service to be delivered. Encourage grandchildren and family friends to drop in and visit the new home, especially if your parent has transitioned into an aged care facility. It’s lovely for your parent to introduce their family and for staff members to create a connection with the family.