By Louis Butler Donald trump first 100 day as president seem more like his reality show the apprentices. Donald was fired up to repeal and replaces Obama care, and try to get congress to agree with building a wall to stop illegal immi- grants for coming into the country. but with talks about member of his cabin making deals with Russia keeps everyone on the edge from going with any of Donald trump’s plan’s, and with millions of people saying they did not vote for him raises red flag’s up all over the world, and his unorthodox style of governing is just a night mare for republican. Getting through the next four years will be the hardest. Now is the time for American to stick together and protect our country for this administration and there evil ways. By David Smith and Sam Morris After 100 days of sound and fury in Washington, words such as unprecedented and normal have been drained of meaning. But one thing has remained constant during Donald Trump’s presidency: having lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, he took office with the lowest approval rating of any incoming president; he now has the lowest approval rating of any president at the 100-day mark, although polls suggest his base re- mains loyal. “He’s learning on the job, which is dangerous,” says Rich Galen, a Republican strategist, “but at least he’s learning.”