Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 94

The Illuminati culprits deserve to be lynched
3SG9 : Six years ago , the truth [ about the Illuminati / occult world ] was revealed to the world . After such a revelation , people started buying alarms for their houses , and people started to REMOVE Lillibet ’ s [ Queen Elizabeth II ’ s ] pictures of the walls in their homes ... Therefore , we know as a collective what is REALLY going on , and we KNOW who these people are , and we KNOW they “ hide in plain sight ” [ to “ hide in plain sight ” is to appear unnoticeable , by staying visible in a setting that conceals a person ’ s true identity ]... so let ’ s quit messing around , and ARREST these people ! They [ the Illuminati perpetrators ] deserve lynching , Donald ! If they [ the Illuminati perpetrators ] are evil people what does it matter [ if humanity puts evil people to death ]? I believe in the death penalty .
DM : Yes 3SG9 , the Illuminati culprits do deserved to be lynched by the populace , however , I want Queen Elizabeth II kept alive for as long as possible . Once the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is fully exposed and worldly known , I would like to see Queen Elizabeth II kept in a prison cell for as long as possible ; in a prison cell without the pleasantries and luxuries she has become accustomed to , and the best part is : I want to be granted visiting rights . I have fantasised about the moment when I see the original ( real ) Queen Elizabeth II behind bars , in solitary confinement in a prison cell , since I was first activated as a REM driven clone version of myself when I was a child , many times .
Moreover , Queen Elizabeth II will see what I just said about her above . The Illuminati members monitor my every post as REM driven clone versions of themselves , from the cloning center . I told you I would get you [ Queen Elizabeth II ], you malevolent sinister hag ! Who is laughing now [ Queen Elizabeth II ]? Well it is not you [ who is the one laughing ; is it Queen Elizabeth ?!]... the last time I saw you [ as REM driven cloned versions of ourselves , at the cloning center ] you [ Queen Elizabeth II , as a REM driven clone version of yourself ] were crying ! And what a disgusting sound too [ to hear Queen Elizabeth II cry as a REM driven clone version of herself ]! May 24 , 2012 at 7:52pm
3SG5 : 3SG9 , which crimes have you solved ? Where do you live in Vancouver ? Being monitored & the last six months endured as a REM driven clone Monitoring
3SG10 : Donald is the fact that the Illuminati are monitoring your every post , the reason why you write a little at a time , and in a short and concise manner ?
DM : Yes [ the Illuminati members monitor every single post of mine , and read my Facebook Timeline as REM driven cloned versions of themselves , from the cloning center . The Illuminati also make disgruntled faces at me , as they read my Facebook posts from the cloning center when I am a REM driven cloned version of myself , unwillingly activated at the cloning center , and sometimes they punish me for this . I also have to keep posts short and concise , because sometimes Facebook does not allow me to post ( some ) longer comments ].
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