Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 81

Difficulties in exposing of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture
3SG7 : Well Donald ... it is truly difficult to comprehend , conceive and imagine , what you are saying , in regards to the science and technology of REM driven cloning , as well as , what the Illuminati members do as REM driven cloned versions of themselves . Not many people have ever heard of such things , and unfortunately in these times the sheeple [ -which is a derogatory noun to describe people compared to the animal “ sheep ” in terms of being docile , foolish or easily led ] need unfiltered truth of proof ( hard evidence ), beyond just a document . Is it possible for you to get anyone else to corroborate your exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ? Getting another person who attends the cloning centers as a REM driven clone version of themselves who retains the memories of their REM driven cloning experiences in their waking life would lend much more to help this cause in terms of exposing the Illuminati and their REM driven human cloning subculture . Honestly , I have been spreading your information and sharing your exposures , but I just get laughed at when I try to pass on your information or share your exposure to others . Nonetheless , I keep telling others about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture anyway .
3SG5 : Donald , people will act with proof ( hard evidence ) [ of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]. Hearsay does not even hold water in a court of law . How can we even act now without further details [ about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture and the names of the people involved , and what they have done as REM driven clone versions of themselves at the cloning center ( s )] as well as the EXACT location of the cloning center in British Columbia , Canada ?
Oh and Donald , you may have thousands of ‘ eyes ’ [ reading and sharing the disclosures about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] but until anyone [ significant ] can do something for you [ about disclosing the existence and reality of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture with hard evidence , in order that the general populace who have never heard of such topics will find it easier to believe you ] and others [ with “ influence ” can do something to help this cause ] all these ‘ eyes ’ [ reading and sharing the information about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] are moot [ of little or practical value ]!
Discussions about the location of the cloning center & Talks of public protests
3SG6 : Well ... it is not possible for Donald to know the exact location of the above ground cloning center in British Columbia , Canada , because he has never been told by the Illuminati REM driven clones . Furthermore , Donald is activated as a REM driven clone version of himself , and he visits the cloning center via the process of consciousness transfer whenever he sleeps and enters REM sleep . Donald just ‘ opens his eyes ’ once his consciousness has been transferred from his original body to his REM driven clone duplicate , which is understandable . Donald has mentioned that other people who visit the above ground cloning center in British Columbia , Canada , know the exact location of the cloning center , and therefore we can demand the answer to the exact location of the cloning center from others .
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