Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 73

3SG1 : Moreover , the Illuminati made a movie about my tormented childhood ; you should watch it [ to give yourself an idea of the horrors I experienced ], it is called “ The People Under the Stairs ” ( 1991 ) directed by Wes Craven . Watch what happens to the daughter in the movie when they put her in a scalding hot bathtub and scrubbed her while she was screaming in pain with a rough edged brush ... that is my childhood , and now how was yours ? Furthermore , because I did not have an adult to save me from such torment , when I was a little boy , I now take on these kinds of monsters wherever they may be ... or whoever they may be .
DM : That is very noble of you 3SG1 . In the very end , we will win . The Illuminati are waiting ... they have told me as a REM driven clone version of ourselves at the cloning center that “ We [ the populace ] have already won ”... Even if I was to die [ in an unfortunate event at the hands of the Illuminati ] we [ the populace ] will win faster ... The Illuminati want me alive , so that when we reach a stage where their REM driven cloning subculture is fully exposed and worldly known and the public is calling for their deaths , the Illuminati would like me to ask the public for leniency on the Illuminati ’ s behalf ... I will NOT ask the public for leniency , against the Illuminati members once their REM driven cloning subculture is fully exposed and worldly known ! I just want Queen Elizabeth II kept alive [ once the world learns about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] and put into a prison cell , whereby I have opportunities to visit Queen Elizabeth II in prison .
Once the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is worldly known , the populace will most likely demand the execution of Queen Elizabeth II . In actuality , once the populace realises everything that Queen Elizabeth II has done with REM driven cloning technology , and as a REM driven clone version of herself , what Queen Elizabeth II has done to other REM driven clone versions of original people at the cloning center , AND what Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself has done to REAL people ( who were kidnapped and brought to the cloning center , as original people , and not as clone versions of themselves ) the populace will DEFINITELY demand the execution of Queen Elizabeth II . I do not mind if that is the line of action the populace wishes to take against Queen Elizabeth II , as long as I get a front row seat ... I want to watch it [ Queen Elizabeth II ] die at least .
After the execution of Queen Elizabeth II , I will reside in a bomb shelter , where I will live out the rest of my days . People will swarm me ... all the time ! I will not even be able to buy groceries in public ... You will see how much [ little ] attention I want [ when the time comes ] in comparison to the attention I shall receive ...
All I want is freedom for myself , and freedom for others , as well as to help save the lives of other human beings that the Illuminati plans to sacrifice [ kill / murder ] in the future . I want vengeance against the Illuminati members of course , as well as , the peace of mind that I can sleep soundly at night and never be [ unwillingly ] activated as a REM driven clone version of myself , trapped temporarily as a REM driven clone version of myself at remote locations ( cloning centers ) around world , while my original body lays at home in REM sleep . Most importantly : I also want my conscience to be clear , because I did not turn a blind eye out of fear , and did my duty to warn the world about the real evil deeds of the Illuminati , and what the Illuminati did in actuality with their highly advanced technologies : REM driven human cloning and more . People can love pictures of me if they so choose .
73 | P a g e