Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 33

3SG8 : I have had visions of nano women being created . When I have visions , I see myself creating these nano women or being part of the nano creations . I could share quite a few insights with you too Donald ; it is too bad you do not live closer . I am in Washington State .
3SG9 : There is some degree of Photoshop here [ in reference to the picture of Supriem Rockefeller on page 31 of this document ]; look at that neck and body !
3SG10 : 3SG9 , it is possible that the above photo of Supriem Rockefeller is edited using the photo editing software “ Photoshop ”; however , one of Photoshop ’ s greatest attributes is that : nearly everything now , can be put down to ‘ Photoshop ’.
3SG1 : Paranoia [ is a ] big destroyer ! May 23 rd 2012 WHERE is the “ HARD evidence ” for human cloning / REM driven cloning ? 3SG1 : Where is the evidence [ for human cloning / REM driven cloning ]?
DM : I have [ hard ] evidence ... but I need more eyes to see the circumstantial evidence of human cloning / REM driven cloning which is evident and surrounds us at all times ; to read and educate themselves on the science and technology of “ cloning ”, “ consciousness ” and “ the stages of sleep ”, and reach a point where they KNOW with certainty this is occurring , or at least reach a point , given what they have learned regarding “ cloning ”, “ consciousness ” and “ the stages of sleep ” that they can accept there is a high probability all I am disclosing is in fact happening right underneath our very noses , covertly .
“ Trans-humanism ” also provides a great key for helping the casual observer who may not have come across such topics before , to understand the reality of what I am disclosing , regarding the Illuminati and their high advances in medicine , science and technology , because the trans-humanists do not hide their aims : which is mainly that they want to download consciousness to avatar bodies . People should also be objective , and not delude themselves in believing something is real , when it is not , and they should reach a point where they have plenty of verifiable evidences to form their own conclusions .
Therefore , for the casual observer who is unsure , and wants to know whether human cloning / REM driven cloning and the cloning centers are real or not , the first questions they really should be asking are : do I know and understand the science of “ cloning ” ( even at a basic to intermediate level )?; do I know and understand the science of “ consciousness ” ( even at a basic to intermediate level )?; do I know and understand the stages of sleep ( even at a basic to intermediate level )?; and do I know and understand the concepts and ideologies of “ Transhumanism ” ( even at a basic to intermediate level )? -because most people have never heard of “ Trans-humanism ” and therefore the experiences I am divulging regarding REM driven cloning and the high advances in technology the Illuminati use in secret is well beyond some people ’ s understanding because they do not have this foundation .
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