Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 27

Re-animated human clones WITH the soulstone microchip implant
DM : WITH the soulstone microchip inserted into the brain of a re-animated clone , the reanimated clone remembers the previous life experience of the original dead person , who lived on this earth . Although the re-animated clone can now remember her / his previous life experience as a consequence of the soulstone microchip inserted into the brain of the reanimated clone , a major side effect of the soulstone microchip inserted into the brains of reanimated clones is that : because there is a flawed recording of consciousness , of a dead person ’ s consciousness overriding the consciousness of a clone , this tends to make reanimated clones WITH the soulstone microchip more impulsive ; more negative than an original natural born human would be ; as if there is “ something missing ”; and essentially , reanimated clones with the soulstone microchip inserted into their brains have a tendency to be : rapists , child molesters , and paedophiles . These re-animated clones with the soulstone microchip inserted into their brains have a tendency towards negativity , and impulsivity and believing “ doing evil is good ”, whereas they may not have had such a tendency when they were originally a natural born human being ( before death ).
Re-animated clones WITH the soulstone microchip inserted into the clone ’ s brain , relive life , BUT , re-animated clones WITH the soulstone microchip implant , relive life as a flawed , and negative version , of the original person who once lived ; whereby the mind of the reanimated clone is not the same as the mind of the original person because it is a flawed recording of consciousness , operating the mind of the re-animated clone . This is similar to the movie “ Pet Sematary ” ( 1989 ), which is adapted from the Stephen King novel , with the same title ( King 1983 ). Furthermore , I also refer to re-animated clones with the soulstone microchip in their brains as “ Dead chip-heads ” – because these are clones of dead people with microchips in their heads .
Replication clones
DM : “ Replication clones ” are clones of original people , which start life off as a baby , and go through the entire gestation process ( 9 months ), similar to natural born human beings . Replication cloning can be achieved through surrogacy ; -where a woman is implanted with the embryo containing the DNA of the person to be cloned ; OR , replication cloning can also be achieved through the use of artificial wombs .
The reasons celebrities appear in public AS human clones
DM : Sometimes celebrities do appear in the public domain ( television appearances , concerts , award shows etc .) AS cloned versions of themselves . For example , if the celebrity ’ s original body has pimples on her or his face , OR , she or he has a cold sore , and physically does not look her or his best , then they may chose to appear in public as a cloned version of themselves . May 23 , 2012 at 6:19am
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