Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 187

3 ) Read ALL of Donald Marshall ’ s information : March 2012 to December 2015
Once you have completed points 1 and 2 mentioned above , which are to : “ Know the information ” to a point where you are confident there is truth to this disclosure , and you “ Tell your close family and friends about this information ”, this is the stage whereby it is suggested you read and investigate the remainder of Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . There is plenty of important information on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline , all of which have been detailed over the course of three and half years ( approximately ). You will need to read and research the rest of Donald Marshall ’ s information on his Timeline up till December 2015 , because ALL the most relevant information concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is contained on his Timeline within those years . After reading everything , including the corroborative articles listed on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline till December 2015 on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline , this is WHEN you will truly see the relevance of Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures , and how this information relates to the world you live in . Furthermore , you will THEN realise the terrible situation humanity is in , and you will understand why humanity must know this information and rectify this situation immediately .
by reading Donald Marshall ’ s short documents
Link : https :// drive . google . com / folderview ? id = 0B6uNZqRUN8ceQnRRaGI1VEk2Nm8 & usp = drive _ web Read Donald Marshall ’ s documents , which are a compilation of Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline . The short documents are written with the aim to help newcomers to this information , and the main premise is : it is REM driven human cloning technology which Donald Marshall is tormented by . After you have finished reading the documents , start to read Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline from where the document finishes off in the series and you will learn the biggest secrets which are kept hidden from the rest of this world , which relates to the life you are currently living . Continue to read until December 2015 on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline . As you are reading Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline , you still may not be completely convinced by the information being presented , however , you may begin seeing how more and more of the pieces are starting to fall into place as you continue to read Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline up until December 2015 . The most relevant information has been written by Donald Marshall until December 2015 ; this is why it is important to read everything contained on Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline up till that point . After December 2015 , Donald Marshall has mostly posted “ Greeting Posts ” to let the public know that he is still alive . The most relevant , and important information is contained on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline from March 2012 to December 2015 , and it really IS worth investing this time .
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