Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 137

" Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance "
3SG2 : It ' s not rarely the case at all [ that there isn ’ t substantial evidence and facts to conspiracies put forward ] 3SG4 . The Devil is a very good deceiver but he is not a master deceiver , because a lie will always remain a lie , which means it becomes difficult to prove that what has been said or done is true , if the thing said or done was predicated on a lie and eventually the real truth pertaining to the lies will be uncovered in the very end .
There is one thing the Devil is afraid of , and that is the truth . There is plenty of evidence to prove that there is a conspiracy [ in this world / in governments ]; lots of it [ evidence and facts ], and it is all around us . Calling people “ nut jobs ” or “ conspiracy weirdos ” is resorting to condemnation and insults because you do not have a suitable argument and you are just dismissing it either because you are scared of the truth or because you are ignorant .
Albert Einstein said : " Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance ". If Donald is telling the truth or the “ Conspiracy theorists ” are correct , that means that those who are trying to keep the truth hidden from the rest of us [ the public ] are in BIG trouble because the truth is coming out and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it . Those trying to keep the truth from us can kill me or they can kill Donald but they will never kill us all . There are too many of us . My advice to everyone is : seek the truth and tell the truth because if you do not tell the truth and we do have a soul , and if hell does exist , it ' s not a place you would want to spend eternity .
3SG2 : I do not doubt that what you [ Donald Marshall ] say is the truth [ regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] but at the same time I am reserving judgement until I see some solid proof [ concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]. 3SG4 and Donald , including anyone else [ on this crusade for justice and truth ]: I suggest you all start getting truthful if you aren ' t already , because if you are not , judgement will come for you sooner if not later . Moreover , if Donald is telling the truth [ about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] and you , 3SG4 , are an agent of the criminals doing all these things , then watch out [ 3SG4 ]!
3SG2 : Here ' s something for all of you . It ' s a poem by Rudyard Kipling called “ IF ” ( Kipling Society c . 2012 ) http :// www . kipling . org . uk / poems _ if . htm 137 | P a g e