Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 131

Polygraph tests will help to demonstrate the reality of REM driven human cloning
DM : Furthermore , polygraph tests , independent unbiased lie-detector tests , of low level Illuminati members who retain their REM driven cloning experiences when they wake up from sleep , will unequivocally prove to sceptics about the reality of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . I will volunteer to be polygraph tested and after I have passed , I will point the way to members of my family , who have told me when we were activated as REM driven clones at the cloning center , that if they are ever confronted with a lie detector test regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ... they will decline the polygraph test and just say “ REM driven human cloning is true ”. My family members do not want to dig themselves deeper by lying on a polygraph test . May 20 , 2012 at 5:48am ·
3SG4 : Polygraph tests have an approximate 60 - 90 % accuracy rate . That is why polygraph tests are used on day time TV shows and not in courtrooms .
DM : No 3SG4 . The accuracy of polygraph tests has improved in recent years and there is a much higher accuracy percentage , currently ( Truth or Lie c . 2016 ). Research this 3SG4 . May 20 , 2012 at 5:53am
DM : Furthermore , 3SG4 , in Canadian courts , polygraph tests are admissible when it involves the sexual exploitation of a child ... research this statement and get back to me ... * smiling * May 20 , 2012 at 5:55am
[ In general , polygraph evidence is NOT admissible in “ Canadian Criminal Courts ” ( Mack ’ s Criminal Law 2016 ). However , EXCEPTIONS where polygraph evidence is admissible occurs in “ Canadian Civil Courts ” ( which is different from “ Canadian Criminal Courts ”) whereby the admissibility of polygraph evidence varies from province to province in “ Canadian Civil Courts ” ( Mack ’ s Criminal Law 2016 ). In the family and child protection context , trial decisions on polygraph evidence are inconsistent . “ Few appellate courts [‘ appeals courts ’ or ‘ courts of appeals ’] have ruled directly on the use of polygraph evidence in family law cases . With this caveat in mind , generally , [ Canadian ] courts have been concluding that : evidence of willingness to take a polygraph test is relevant and admissible but no firm conclusions may be drawn from a refusal to take a polygraph . ” ( Department of Justice Canada 2016 ) Furthermore , judges ( in Canada ), are more receptive to the receipt of polygraph evidence in family and child protection cases than in criminal cases ( Department of Justice Canada 2016 ). The reader should seek the sources Mack ’ s Criminal Law ( 2016 ) and Department of Justice Canada ( 2016 ) under section “ 9.10 Polygraph Evidence ” for further details on the admissibility of polygraph evidence in Canadian courts . Moreover , with regards to Donald Marshall ’ s above statements : yes , polygraph evidence is admissible in “ Canadian Civil Courts ” and in ( some ) family and child protection cases ( depending on the context )]
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