Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 3 | Page 88

DM: The Illuminati REM driven clones even do the mind control (MK Ultra) thing on my REM driven clone(s) at the cloning center. With the mind control (MK Ultra) technology that the Illuminati members have, the Illuminati members can make anyone who is a REM driven clone version of themselves at the cloning center, walk, talk, and make any facial expression, as well as, anything else the Illuminati members want the REM driven clone(s) to do, when the REM driven clone(s) are under the control of the Illuminati’s mind control (MK Ultra) technology. Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself at the cloning center used the Illuminati’s mind control (MK Ultra) technology on my REM driven clones in the past to make me run around the cloning center while I said and did horrible things as a REM driven clone version of myself, against my will, under mind control (MK Ultra) technology which was operated by Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself at the cloning center. Furthermore, Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself at the cloning center videotaped all the horrible things I said and did when I was under mind control (MK Ultra) technology, so that if the Illuminati’s REM driven cloning subculture is ever fully exposed the Illuminati members will drag me down with them. Moreover, there is no force of will or strength which can make a REM driven clone act against the wishes of the programmer controlling the REM driven clone through mind control (MK Ultra) technology. The programmer can literally make a REM driven clone do ANYTHING against the will of the person who is a REM driven clone version of themselves with the mind control (MK Ultra) technology the Illuminati have. REM driven clones are easily mind controlled with the MK Ultra technology the Illuminati members have. I will explain in depth... May 15, 2012 at 7:02pm Religion Donald Marshall on: praying 3SG1: Donald, do you pray? DM: I have been praying hard dude. I have been praying to no avail. The Illuminati members try to shake my faith too. The Illuminati members call me stupid for believing in “adult Santa Clause”. I need world attention now. World attention is what is going to save me. If I die (in my original body) the Illuminati will continue REM driven cloning against the populace, as well as their many despicable crimes against humanity unchecked. The Illuminati must be stopped and the cloning centers must be shut down; and the people responsible for carrying out and continuing these crimes against humanity must be punished. There are so many people at the cloning center as REM driven clone versions of themselves that do NOT want to be activated at the cloning centers, and do not want to be there. The people who do not want to be at the cloning centers as REM driven clones are just waiting... They are waiting until I get some kind of big attention then they are going to try to save themselves from REM driven cloning as well... However, people who do not want to attend the cloning centers as REM driven clone versions of themselves are scared now... After they witnessed the different variations of torture which has been carried out on my REM driven clones, and after seeing what the Illuminati members do to me for publicly speaking out about the Illuminati and REM driven cloning, they are afraid of what may happen to them; especially, after the death of Bernie Mac (actor / comedian). 88 | P a g e