Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 3 | Page 78

Humans become capable of extraordinary feats through the process of “vasodilation” DM: When a human’s life is threatened, humans get a massive rush of blood to the head, as well as, adrenaline. Humans then become capable of extraordinary things to save their lives, as well as, the lives of their children. This is basis of how I started making such amazing songs whenever I was activated as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center... As a REM driven clone child at the cloning center, I felt threatened whenever I had my consciousness transferred from my original body to my REM driven clone, and I would suddenly “wake up” through the process of consciousness transfer to find myself in a remote location much different than what I remember when I went to sleep, and unable to recall how I got to this remote location sequentially. I was frightened and thought I was kidnapped. Therefore, because I felt that my life was threatened whenever I was activated as a REM driven child clone at the cloning centers unwillingly, I would do anything in an attempt to escape from the place. This involved singing and making son