Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 3 | Page 70

Donald Marshall on: the Illuminati’s best guarded secret: REM driven cloning 3SG1: Is everyone in [the Illuminati] that industry someway connected or understand the depth of what you speak of? Or is it [REM driven cloning] subtle to most? DM: All involved are connected through REM driven cloning. That is how they meet in complete secrecy, through REM driven cloning technology, through the process of consciousness transfer from their original body to their REM driven clone when they go to sleep. REM driven cloning is one of the Illuminati’s best guarded secrets. REM driven cloning is 32nd Degree Freemasonry knowledge, which I am giving to the world for free because REM driven cloning is the topic which TRULY exposes the Illuminati. The ONLY thing the Illuminati members fear is the populace learning about their REM driven cloning subculture and the populace demanding the Illuminati members submit to polygraph tests. REM driven cloning is the topic which TRULY exposes the Illuminati, and the Illuminati are frantic now! This is the most the Illuminati have ever been concerned about being exposed. May 2, 2012 at 5:53pm · The Illuminati’s fate once the world grasps The Illuminati’s REM driven cloning subculture 3SG1: DEATH TO THE ILLUMINATI! DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER! DM: Sounds good to me. Soon the public will start asking questions; demanding answers; asking “If their children have been cloned?” When the public start demanding answers, the Illuminati members will not be able to stem the tide [stop the cause] and the Illuminati will be forced to disclose their nefarious deeds and hope for mercy from the angry, disgusted world. The Illuminati members will act meek, afraid, and ashamed and try and take me down with them [include me as a complicit member in their REM driven cloning subculture]. The Illuminati members will show the world edited footage of me drugged as a REM driven clone, while saying this or that... A few times in the past, as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center the Illuminati forced me, and MADE me as a REM driven clone say certain things on camera... As a REM driven clone at the cloning center I was forced to say things that people who are uniformed about the Illuminati’s REM driven cloning subculture would view the footage and hate me badly for having said those things... Furthermore, if I did not say those things, the Illuminati REM driven clones would have torn me apart and tortured my REM driven clones over and over... These days when I am activated as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center, I do NOT say any of the unwarranted things the Illuminati REM driven clones would like me to... 70 | P a g e