Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 3 | Page 32

DM: However, Stephen Harper knows the location of the above ground cloning center located in Canada along with many high rank Illuminati members. However, half the Illuminati members who attend the cloning centers as REM driven clones do not know the exact location of the above ground cloning center in Canada ; they just get “cloned in” as they call it. Steven Spielberg attends the above ground cloning center as a REM driven clone of himself and knows who I am. As REM driven clones at the cloning center, Steven Spielberg has discussed movies and told me stories at the cloning center. Moreover, because of all the songs I made from the cloning center as a REM driven clone, the Illuminati REM driven clones started to think I would be good at other things too; the song making generated interest in me and soon everyone wanted to meet me as a REM driven clone at the cloning center. Furthermore, as REM driven clones at the cloning center, if I couldn’t help a certain person or give that person a good idea or story or song, then that person as a REM driven clone of themselves would literally torture me as a REM driven clone in various ways while other REM driven clones at the cloning center watched; some REM driven clones cried; some REM driven clones laughed; some REM driven clones masturbated as I was being tortured as a REM driven clone at the cloning center. REM driven cloning and the cloning centers are bad and someone HAS to do something! The Illuminati members do many evil things as REM driven clones at the cloning centers; the Illuminati members also commit many acts of evil in real life too, and record their evil deeds on video, to re-watch “the evil acts” as REM driven clones at the cloning center. Spread the truth about the Illuminati and their REM driven cloning subculture, as well as, all the evil the Illuminati perpetrates to the four corners of the earth. April 27, 2012 at 7:59pm Possible outcomes when REM driven cloning gains worldwide attention 3SG1: Will they bring you to the cloning center when this is wel