Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 3 | Page 28

DM: After Bernie Mac was murdered from the cloning centers (through the torture of Bernie Mac’s REM driven clones –because consciousness is linked, and torturing a person’s REM driven clones affects them in their original body) nobody speaks up for me as REM driven clones at the cloning center. Everyone who attends the same cloning center as REM driven clone versions of themselves, that I unwillingly have my consciousness transferred to are afraid, and they are hoping I am successful at telling the world so they can escape REM driven cloning and the cloning centers too. They hope the Illuminati do not kill me (in my original body) before I reach a level of world attention... the Illuminati have turned up the heat on the torture of my REM driven clones there big time. The torture of my REM driven clones is making me sicker in my original body everyday now. Help me spread the letter [and all my disclosure documents please], it’s the only thing that will save me... or I am doomed. Seriously. April 11, 2012 at 7:22pm 3SG1: Donald, are you still being brought to the cloning center? DM: Queen Elizabeth II keeps transferring my consciousness from my original body to my REM driven clone whenever I sleep and reach REM sleep (at home in my bed, 90-110 minutes after first falling asleep) and activating my REM driven clone(s) stored at the cloning center. Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone of version of herself, at the cloning center keeps talking foolishness to me (when I am activated as a REM driven clone at the cloning center) “Why Dun? We loff you Dun. Stay weeth oos Dun” [Why Don? We love you Don. Stay with us Don]. As a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center I just say to Queen Elizabeth II (also a REM driven clone at the cloning center) “Well, No!” “With all the torture you have carried out on me [my REM driven clones at the cloning center], you have ruined my life systematically. You tried to tell world of rich people [who also attend the cloning centers as REM driven duplicates of themselves] that I am “The Antichrist” and it is OK to torture me [my REM driven clones at the cloning center] to a slow death and God will love them more for it [torturing clones of me]”. “You had real children [in their original bodies and not REM driven cloned children] brought here [the cloning centers] and you executed these children and you watch the videos of the children being executed at the cloning center and you masturbate to the children’s deaths”. “You are not someone I would EVER want to be around or know Elizabeth. Now leave me alone. I do not want to make songs anymore [as a REM driven clone at the cloning center]” Then Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone of herself, as well as, the other Illuminati members who are also REM driven clones at the cloning center, will cry. The Illuminati are retarded and must be stopped! April 22, 2012 at 6:08pm · 28 | P a g e