Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 1 | Page 18

But his relig ion had a different base than the traditional religion: his was based upon a worship of reason: "... then will Reason rule with unperceived sway." "... Reason will be the only code of Man. This is one of our greatest secrets." "When at last Reason becomes the religion of man, then will the problem be solved." Weishaupt's dedication of his organizat ion to "reason" makes some sense when the reader recalls that "reason" has been defined as the "unbridled use of man's mind to solve man's problems without the involvement of God." The Bible calls this "the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." It was this knowledge that God wanted man not to have, and it was the promise made to man by Lucifer that man could have it by eating of "the fruit." In addition, Weishaupt's religion offered its believers a reward not offered by any other religion: worldwide p ower! Weishaupt wrote: "The pupils [members of the Illu minati] are convinced that the Order will rule the world. Every member therefore becomes a ruler." Weishaupt's religion not only offered power to his believers, but he offered them something else not guaranteed by any other relig ion: world ly success. He said that once a candidate had achieved the exalted degree of Illu minatus Minor, the fourth of the thirteen inside his Order, his superiors would: "assist him [the member] in bringing his talents into action, and [would] place him in situations most favourable for their exertion, so that he may be assured of success." Finally, the goal of the Illu minati was "man made perfect as a god - without God." The ideology of “man made perfect as a god –without God” still remains to this day, and it is practiced by today’s Illuminati members. The above phrase is what ties in Luciferian worship and trans-humanism. Lucifer is idolised by Illuminati members as the deity who gave man ‘knowledge’ and therefore is worthy of worship; God, -according to Luciferians, -did not want man to have knowledge and therefore is despised by Luciferians. Ingrained in the transhumanism doctrine is the believe that: ‘man can become ‘god’ through science and technology and in turn overthrow the Creator of the universe: God’. See LawOfIdentity (2014) and Mark Dice (2014) in the bibliography section. These are the basics of Luciferianism. Therefore everything which is natural or pertains to nature must be contended or destroyed by Luciferians. This is why Illuminati members endorse having sex with children; killing first born sons; and drink blood. All the above go against nature and according to the ‘edicts of Lucifer’: paedophilia makes the person committing the act younger (it doesn’t, it is just an excuse to act perverse on children because they know children are vulnerable); killing your first born son gives you good luck and fortune in this life (so yes, some Luciferians have sacrificed their first bon sons); and Illuminati members believe drinking blood / cannibalism is a ‘purifying agent’ (although in reality it causes spongiform encephalitis (holes in the brain)). Modern-day Illuminati members still retain the goal of its founder “to bring about a NEW World Order that writes God out of the picture and deifies [glorifies] Lucifer.” Infiltration through secrecy, still remains their mode of operation for the current Illuminati; therefore, they have secretly infiltrated all the major religions on earth; government and education – where each successive generation is being dumb down; they have continually diminished the ability for individuals to own private property, or claim inheritance; divided people against each other to continually diminish patriotism; and have continually diminished family values. They also compartmentalise their knowledge between members. Until I fully exposed the Illuminati, many people who have been REM clones at the cloning centre did not know they were in fact REM driven clones, and thought they were in the 5 th Dimension; the astral plane; a singularity; the spiritual realm; Valhalla; quantum hopping; a time stutter etc. or whatever else the Illuminati told them. 18 | P a g e