D'office Threads November 2014 | Página 36

ones that are in the $5000- $10,000 range. I’ve always wanted one to wear for nice outings and what not... but given how much I train, I just couldn’t see spending that much money on something that I might not even wear for weeks at a time...Or that I would have to run the risk of losing or having it disappear because I would be constantly taking it off to train and/or when I am in costume on set. Q: Who is your favorite designer brand? At present, I would have to say Ralph Lauren, just because I love their hoodies and beanies. Aside from athletic brands like Nike, Adidas, and Underarmor, I wear RL and Polo more than anything else. Q: For the average guy, what do you think is the most important thing to look classy? Actually, to truly give off an aura of class, I think the most important thing is your posture. I learned that from a friend who works as a style consultant in LA. Always stand and sit with good posture, and you will stand out for that fact alone, because most people don’t. Aside from that, it is little things, always having pristine hygiene, good social and dinner etiquette, and being able to engage in intelligent conversation with most kinds of people. As I said, most of the time I just wear athletic brands, and most of my clothes don’t cost more than $100. But that being said, even if I g o to a party where I am more dressed down than everyone else (which is usually the case, lol) people can tell by the way that I carry myself that I dress really casually because I chose to, and that’s just my style. Not because I don’t know how to dress better. Also, if you don’t know a lot of etiquette or how to sit and talk with proper posture, fear not. You can find all that stuff on youtube, so you don’t have to spend a bunch of money to take classes to learn it. I would say that even if you did pay to learn all of those things however, you would get your money back, simply because of the kind of social circles, and social networks you will find yourself becoming a part of because of it.