Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 286

MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - USER’S GUIDE MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - TEXT XI. OPTIONAL STREETLIGHT ORDINANCE - Ordinance Text F. Light Shielding and Distribution All street lighting shall have no light emitted above 90 degrees. Exception: Ornamental street lighting for specific districts or projects shall be permitted by special permit only, and shall meet the requirements of Table H below without the need for external field-added modifications. Table H - Uplight Control Requirements for Ornamental Street Lights - by Special Permit Only Lighting Zone Maximum Uplight Rating LZ-0 U-0 LZ-1 U-1 LZ-2 U-2 LZ-3 U-3 LZ-4 U-4 USER’S GUIDE - Page 44 Page B-44 ORDINANCE TEXT - Page 44 Appendix B: Model Lighting Ordinance