Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 234

paragraph A above . ( See section below for landscaping and foliage illumination , item H )
15.28.060 General Standards .
The following general standards shall apply to all outdoor lighting installed after the effective date of this ordinance , which is not exempted above :
A . Outdoor lighting must be hooded , shielded , and / or aimed downward . Examples of acceptable and unacceptable light pollution control shielding and hooding is shown in Table 1-4 , attached herein .
B . The hood or shield must mask the direct horizontal surface of the light source . The light must be aimed to insure that the illumination is only pointing downward onto the ground surface , with no escaping light permitted to contribute to sky glow by shining upward into the sky .
C . Any bright light shining onto adjacent property or streets which would result in a nuisance glare or a disabling glare shall not be permitted . Light trespass beyond property boundaries or above the horizontal plane shall be considered non-compliant .
D . Existing fixtures may be adapted to comply with this ordinance by adding a properly designed hood or shield , or by pointing any upward-mounted , shielded fixture downward onto the ground surface .
E . All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be designed , installed , located and maintained such that nuisance glare onto adjacent properties or streets shall be minimized and all direct illumination kept within the boundaries of the fixture owner ' s property .
F . This section may be enforced on the basis of a formal complaint filed in writing with the Planning and Zoning Department .
G . Accent lighting , when so approved , shall be directed downward onto the building or object and not toward the sky or onto adjacent properties . Direct light emissions shall not be
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visible above the roof line o building edge .
H . Spotlighting on landscaping limited to 150 watts ( 2220 The lamp shall be shielded a disabling or nuisance glare .
15.28.070 Further Restriction
The Town reserves the rig further restrict outdoor lig including but not limited to searchlights for special ev quartz lighting , laser lights height , and level of illumin it is deemed to be in the b interest in keeping with th purpose of this ordinance .
15.28.080 Penalties for violat
A . Any violation of the provisio ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor , and upon con shall be punishable by a fine three hundred dollars ($ 300 imprisonment not to exceed or both .
B . Each 24 hour period during which any violation of this o committed or continued to constitute a separate offen
15.28.090 Severability .
The provisions of this ordi severable and if any parag section , subsection , or pa ordinance is held to be inv unenforceable , unconstitu inapplicable to any person circumstance , such illegali invalidity , unconstitutiona inapplicability shall not aff impair the remainder of th ordinance .
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Page A- 166 White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Af