Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 168

FORT BENNING MARION COUNTY, GEORGIA COLUMBUS COUNTY, GEORGIA Marion County Code of Ordinances Appendix B. Zoning Article XII. Commercial Zoning District te: Friday, June 06, 2014 operty lines separating commercial zoning district with any residential district with any residential district mus creened with either: A privacy fence constructed of preservative treated lumber to a minimum height of six feet Natural vegetative screening as per the requirements laid out in section 4.12 protective screening If the commercial property is to use canine security, the containment area must have a security fence to a nimum height of six feet constructed from chain link or other suitable industrial grade fencing material. This ty fence will not take the place of screening. All fences and vegetative screening will not obscure a motorist's vision. Privacy fences and natural vegetative screening need not be placed on street and road front property lines. ny security dogs will not be allowed to become a noise or smell nuisance. l commercial properties will not be allowed to store in the open (or open buildings) any junk or wrecked vehic r driven equipment or any miscellaneous scrap or salvageable material in quantity, e.g. used lumber, metal o sh. he state department of transportation must be consulted for any requirements regarding entrances, exits, eration lanes, culverts or any other restraints regarding properties abutting state roads. The county roads rintendent must be consulted for any similar requirements for properties abutting county roads. ny parking area used by customers and/or surfaces used by delivery trucks must be paved with an eight inch and three inch thick of asphalt or 3½ inch thick concrete within twelve months of being open to public. ptions may be granted by the County Commission through variances.. ny and all water run off, soil disturbance and sedimentation issues that should arise will be promptly handled the best management practices mandated by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission. ny commercial business must contact the state fire marshall for a safety inspection prior to opening and then correct any deficiencies within ninety days of being open to the public Page A- 100 Appendix A: White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training