Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 164

Policy 7 . A . 4.3 - The LDC shall include provisions which require the identification of flood prone areas in advance of the issuance of a development permit . The LDC shall contain provisions to regulate construction within such flood prone areas .
Policy 7 . A . 4.4 - The LDC shall include provisions which will require identification and preservation of significant archeological and / or historic sites or structures within the City .
Policy 7 . A . 4.5 - The LDC shall contain regulations which must be followed any time a proposed development may impact an historic site within the City . Note : The Florida Department of State , Division of Historic Resources has identified one ( 1 ) site within the City which has potential historic significance . Protection of this site will be accomplished through regulations contained within the LDC ( reference Chapter 3 , Foundation Documents ). The regulations will include protection for the site referenced in this policy and will be developed in cooperation with the Office of Secretary of State , Division of Historical Resources . The regulations will include provisions which require the cessation of land disturbing activities any time artifacts with potential historical significance are revealed during construction activities on any site with potential historical significance . The purpose of the cessation is to allow time to determine the significance of any artifact or historical evidence found on the site . The cessation may be lifted upon such determination . Normally , determination will be made by those approved to make such determination by the Office of the Secretary of State , Division of Historical Resources .
Objective 7 . A . 5 - Coordinate area population densities with the Okaloosa County Hurricane Evacuation Plan upon adoption of this Ordinance ( reference Chapter 11 of this Ordinance )
Policy 7 . A . 5.1 - Population density shall be limited to those densities reflected on the Future Land Use Maps ( Figure 7-1 through 7-6 ) and as described in Policy 7 . A . 3.4 ( reference Chapter 102 of the City Code ).
Policy 7 . A . 5.2 - The City shall promote , to the extent possible , improvements to the critical roadway segments delineated in the Tri-State Hurricane Evacuation Study , U . S . Army Corps of Engineers , June 1986 , ( reference Appendix C of the Study ).
Policy 7 . A . 5.3 - The City shall continue its active and aggressive support for the widening of SR 85 from Crestview to the Alabama state line ( also , see Policy 8 . A . 1.8 ).
Objective 7 . A . 6 - The City shall discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl by providing for development or redevelopment consistent with the Future Land Use Maps upon adoption of this ordinance ( reference Section 17.01 ).
Policy 7 . A . 6.1 - The City shall prioritize it ' s Capital Improvements funding in a manner that generally assigns first priority to the renewal and replacement of existing obsolete or worn out facilities in order to provide infrastructure capacity necessary to private sector development or re ¬ development activities ( reference Policy 14 . A . 1.3 of this Ordinance ).
Policy 7 . A . 6.2 - The City shall require the rehabilitation and reuse of governmental facilities , structures and buildings as the preferred alternative to new construction ( reference Policy 14 . A . 1.4 of this Ordinance ).
Policy 7 . A . 6.3 - The City shall utilize its fiscal resources and stringent land development regulations together with the available , existing and planned infrastructure to allow " infill " development or
7-7 redevelopment . Note : There is little opportunity for le inasmuch as infrastructure needed to serve undeveloped pa containing significant vacant or undeveloped parcels . Thu development anticipated during the planning period within
Policy 7 . A . 6.4 - Public facilities and services shall be loca impacts on the natural environment and maximize their e on the natural environment and efficiency of proposed delineated by the City ( or its professional consultants , i . e ., public facility . Cost for such facility shall be estimated b determined pursuant to the City ' s bid process for the acqui services . Impacts on the natural environment , efficiency o shall be determined in advance of project construction for its own forces or the forces of others ( reference Poli 10 . A . 2.1 , 10 . A . 2.2 , 10 . A . 2.3 , 10 . B . 1.2 , 10 . C . 1.3 , 10 . C . 2 . 11 . A . 2.1 , 11 . A . 2.3 , 11 . A . 2.4 , 11 . A . 2.5 and 11 . A . 4.4 ).
Policy 7 . A . 6.5 - The City shall implement the land use c Map by including the City ' s Zoning Ordinance within th zoning change or plan amendment shall be approved un change and plan amendment will promote compact urba sprawl . The local planning agency shall be responsible for
Policy 7 . A . 6.6 - The City shall continue to utilize the anne on May 29 , 1990 as amended periodically ( reference Ch restrictive annexation policy requires an exhaustive review into the City . Application of the standards contained within for " leap-frog " type development . The LDC shall include implement this policy . Among others , the provisions and r
a . Only consider areas for annexation which are un boundaries , and are compact in form . Compact m would create enclaves , pockets or serpentine-like p
b . Only consider areas for annexation in which the n to or greater than the net annual maintenance expen
c . Any capital improvements for the proposed an according to city standards shall be borne by the pr
d . Only annex property which improves the deline annexation areas should make the city limit line c arterial , body of water , or anything else of sig identifies the boundary line . Note : Zig-zagging of t services ( e . g ., fire protection and police protection )
e . Avoid making the center line of a street the city utilized when possible . Note : When center lines a police calls for traffic accidents , road maintenance ,
Page A- 96 White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Af