Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 16

Table 1 .
Radiance Value
Light Pollution Measurements
Sky Condition
< 0.01 1 Excellent Dark Sky
3.00 to 9.00 5 Suburban Sky
9.00 to 15.59 6 Bright Urban Sky
15.59 to 27.00 7
Suburban / Urban Transition
27.0 to 46.77 8 City Sky
> 46.77 9 Inner‐City Sky
Theoretically darkest sky limited by airglow and starlight .
Light pollution is visible in most , if not all , directions . Clouds are noticeably brighter than the sky .
The sky looks dull gray up to 35 degrees of the horizon . Clouds anywhere in the sky appear fairly bright .
Light pollution makes the entire sky light gray . Strong light sources are evident in all directions . Clouds are brightly lit .
Entire sky is grayish or brighter .
Stars are weak and washed out . The sky is bright and discolored everywhere .
As generally noted in the Table 1 , the greater th Scale number , the more the night sky is impacte Because NVG training is intended to simulate co combat areas where there is typically less light areas can degrade use of NVG , ultimately affect
Baseline Lighting Conditions at Night Tim
Figure 2 displays the existing nighttime lighting Dobbins ARB within the Light MCA . The purpos conditions is to measure how much ambient lig the Light MCA . Within the Light MCA , the light of three ( 3 ) to greater than 40 . As shown on th surrounding the installation have radiance with the range greater than 40 .
Overall , the measurement results confirm that in the Light MCA is significant . As expected , the metropolitan area of Atlanta causes significant directions . Sites closer to the more densely dev major transportation corridors exhibited reduce
Overall sky brightness is attributable to both ne Unshielded lighting contributes significantly to g the distance and uncontrolled uplight contribut poor sky condition in the area .
Page 2‐2 DRAFT Dobbins Air Reserve Base Light Pollution Study