DIVORCE 411 APRIL 2015 | Page 14

D I V O R C E 3. “He/she won’t be there for me when I need him/her.” 4 1 1 • You don’t open up to others in anticipation of being disappointed by their response (e.g., lack of validation or interest). When you lack emotional support, attention, affection, guidance or • You resent others automatically understanding as you’re growing up, because you aren’t getting the love and you probably also anticipate emotional understanding that you need. deprivation in your adult life. With this fear come such thoughts as: I don’t get the love 4. “I’m not good enough. ” that I need. I don’t have anyone in my life If you feel that you are bad, unworthy, who really cares about me or meets my defective or unlovable, your thoughts may emotional needs. I don’t feel emotionally include: If people really knew me they connected to anyone. would reject me. I am unworthy of love. As a result of feeling like you’re always I feel shame about my faults. I present a going to be lonely: false self because if people saw the real me they woul