DivKid's Month Of Modular Issue #20 | Page 16

So that’s another month and another issue of DivKid’s Month Of Modular. Lots of content as usual and nice to share plenty with you all. As I have a full page to round things off ... whoooo my own voice ... or typing .... or whatever! :) I thought I’d go into a few things. So here goes!

First up let’s get personal and talk about why Patreon is going to be the way forward not just for me but for you all too. I work a few jobs, and lots of hours before I actually turn on a modular system every week. This is despite all the messages I get saying “oh man just playing with modular every day must be awesome”, yes it would be but that’s far from the reality of what goes on. One of my jobs was working 3 days a week as a technician in a school support the music, media and drama departments and it’s looking like a might loose that job. This is first and foremost kinda scary as it’s being a regularly monthly paying job even over summer when I get a few weeks off from the job. But second it’s also really exciting as I might now have 3 days to work on other things. The job may be going as the school is in debt and having an internal restructure with most jobs and while there’s a consultancy period going on meaning I may keep the job I could also just leave. Let’s focus on the latter. 3 days for more content which would be good for everyone. I don’t want this to be a sob story, just something personal to allow you to connect and know where I am with things and what’s going on. Regardless of what happens (I won’t know for a while) let’s look at this as the push I needed to go for things even more and try to make more content and ultimately income from that. So onto Patreon! I’m going to be making loads of exclusive content that will stay exclusive to Patreon supporters and remain that way for the foreseeable future. But the exciting bit is that I’m going to start giving away some modules to those that support me on Patreon. I should stress this is not a pay to enter competition or giveaway. This is a giveaway where entries are free but I’m restricting entry to those that support me on Patreon. You can look at it how you want but those that continually support me on Patreon have gone the extra mile to reach out and support a content creator (me) because they want to and they want to do that continually month after month (that’s the concept of Patreon). I think it’s fair to say those guys deserve more of my attention and also more chances to get more out of what I’m doing as they’re funding me doing so and I really hoping funding does increase so I can continue to make more videos, grow, cover more things, pursue new ideas for content, build upon what’s already there and make you all happy if not with content but with free gear! So head over to Patreon.com/DivKid where $5+ a month gets you the exclusive content and videos earlier than anyone else and ad free. Giveaways / competitions will start soon but there’s already polls about it you can go take part in. Cheers to the support, cheers for reading so far into the magazine and reading my personal message too, it’s very much appreciated if a bit rambling on my part! :)

Click any of the following links to get in touch, I like a good chin wag!

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divkidmodular.com youtube.com/divkidvideo
