DivKid's Month Of Modular Issue #12 September 2016 | Page 6

Nice news for those who put in a pre-order and good for those that want one from the second batch, Mordax are now shipping the DATA module. You can sign up to their mailing list HERE if you want information and to get in on the second run of modules. I've had a very early "rough and ready" prototype that just does the basic 4 part oscilloscope function and it looks gorgeous and is very

responsive. I'm excited to get hold of the final version.

Good news for those in the

market for a eurorack case, and

probably much better news for those in the US

(exchange rates aren't doing us in the UK any favors), TipTop Audio have released their new case "Mantis". The case looks great, is cheap and is fully loaded with power. The case can be laid flat or with the coloured (you can choose the colour) legs it can be stood upright at 45' or 90'. As you can see from the pics it looks great and TipTop have announced (on Twitter) it will be $335. Information HERE.

More good news for those looking for a case (needing power) or just in need of power. Malekko have a new powered bus board that's looking great! By all accounts it's low noise and have four separate "rings" of power distribution to cut down on cross talk and anything leaking through the boards. Click HERE for more information.

Finally in this mega set of news for this month FEEDBACK (that you may

remember released the Juno 106 Chorus module a short while back) have now made the module smaller and more suited to a wide range of cases (it was a