Divine Nutrition SA Issue 01 November 2013 | Page 9



Juicing seperates


from fibre

You need to have a juicer in order to

make green juices, and this juicer extracts

the liquid from your fruits and veggies and removes all the fiber.

Juices are easier to digest and assimilate. It's easier to digest nutrients – Unlike blending, juicing extracts nutrients and most of the water from veggies and fruits leaving behind plant fibers in skins, peels and seed hulls. This allows your body to absorb the nutrients quicker without having to expend energy to digest all the bulk of the fiber too.

It’s the easiest way to get phytonutrients in their most absorbable form because the concentrated nutrients go straight into your bloodstream.

Green juices are EXTREMELY alkaline (and trust me, you need alkaline to balance out the acidity from acidic food we eat).

They are great to regulate your digestive system and aid big time with weight loss as they're low in calories.

You'll use more veggies per serving –

Since the fiber is removed, more

veggie juice fits in the glass

versus a smoothie. Green juice

will give you a quicker energy

boost as it has a higher

concentration of veggies

(and therefore nutrients)

per glass versus a smoothie,

and is in an even more

pre-digested format than

smoothies for quicker

nutrient absorption.


Juicing machines sometimes more difficult to clean – Juicers usually have more parts to clean and take a little longer to clean than blenders

More refrigerator space required – Juicing requires more veggies and fruits per serving than blending, so you need to have more refrigerator space to store them

Veggie costs are more than blending – because you are using more veggies

per serving,

you need to buy more