Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • February 2017 | Page 17

responsible party when a spill occurred ; however , the rule was unclear as to whether one gallon , a few gallons or a few hundred gallons of a potential contaminate qualified as a “ reportable ” action ..
Shifting the focus for the regulated community to “ process ” when a spill occurs , rather than to clean-up of the incident , businesses would need to establish the necessary expertise and costly infrastructure to locate and alert local public officials , local governments , property owners , the general public and the local media within a 24-hour timeframe . Fortunately , the rule was invalidated as being without “ statutory authority ” and thus the push for legislation this year . House and Senate legislative approaches are slightly different and the Governor ’ s office still wants the individual business to alert the media when a spill occurs . We believe notification is the responsibility of the agency charged with “ environmental protection .”
H . Workforce Development : SB ( TBD ) by Perry / HB 1021 by Avila / HB 2717 by McClain In response to the Construction Industry Workforce Taskforce established last Session , this year ’ s goal is to fund the continuation of the taskforce and to implement some of the recommendations from the group . To this end , NUCA of Florida in conjunction with
the FHBA and ABC has taken the lead to include workface provisions in a building code bill by Sen . Perry and Rep . Avila . Additionally , a budget request for $ 150K was submitted on our behalf by Rep . McClain .
I . Water / Wastewater / Septic Tanks Water policy remains a top priority in the 2017 Session , with President Negron behind efforts to bond the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to purchase 60,000 acres for water storage expansion and store 120 billion gallons of water in South Lake Okeechobee ( SB 10 by Sen . Bradley ). The House leadership is not so eager to bond , so time will tell how this issue will play out . Given the attention to the stormwater and wastewater discharges recently , expect legislation to provide incentives to local governments to fix aging infrastructure . Rep . Kathleen Peters from Pinellas County will be instrumental in these efforts .
J . Code Process : SB 7000 by Lee / HB 901 by McClain In an effort to increase compliance and add stability to an ever-changing state building code , this legislation changes the process by which the Florida Building Code ( FBC ) is adopted by establishing the newlyadopted 6th edition of the Florida Building Code as the base code and then updating the FBC with appropriate provisions from the International Code
Council model building codes every three years . The Florida Fire Prevention Code and the National Electric Code would also be modified and correlated through the amendatory process before the Florida Building Commission and other stakeholders could bring forth meritorious amendments to address technical changes , new standards or new technology .
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