Discovering YOU Magazine October 2018 Issue | Page 40

As we shun temptation, stay in the Word of God and continue to adopt these revelations of God’s will for us, we will find ourselves farther and farther from where we once indulged in our addiction. Eventually, we will find ourselves so far from this line we mark through the blood of Jesus, that even when we have a bad day, the thought of using or engaging in our addiction is not even a remote possibility. This is the CURE we all need…Jesus “God’s ultimate sacrifice FREES us from our past and gives us HOPE that changes everything! Its why Paul says in Rom. 8:1 “There is now therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus”. He then explains what being “in Christ” is all about in II Cor. 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is ‘in Christ’, he is a new creature, old things passed away; behold new things have come”.

To help you put all this in perspective…on a recent warm September day in Chicago, Brian Larson was at a party over lunch with a dozen of his fellow workers. They had the windows wide open and a

bee found its way in, buzzing near him and landed on food on the table. One of Brian’ colleagues a few chairs away took an empty bottle of sparkling grape juice and put the mouth of the bottle near the bee. When she did that, Brian expected the bee to be startled and fly away for its own safety, as a butterfly might do. Instead the bee flew to the mouth of the bottle as if it had done this a hundred times before and climbed inside the narrow opening. Immediately his colleague put the cap on the bottle and screwed it shut. The bee spent the rest of their party drinking at the bottom of the bottle. Brian asks: “What was his colleague's purpose in luring the bee into the bottle? Was she concerned about the bee having something to drink? No, she dislikes bees. Her purpose was capture and control. “


"What was his colleague's purpose in luring the bee into the bottle? .... she dislikes bees. Her purpose was capture and control. “

"When Satan incites us to indulge in the pleasures of the world, .... His purpose

is capture and control."