Discovering YOU Magazine March 2019 Issue | Page 42


your own finances, then you are ready to connect with someone else and combine your resources. Now ladies if you are under the impression and belief that what’s his is yours and what’s yours is yours, you might want to rethink that. In today’s marriages both spouses are expected to contribute to the expenses. But if you get a man who has those values that every woman dreams of, and he wants to take care of you and it is agreed upon and accepted by both parties, then go for it, but do not assume ladies just because he is your husband that that is how it will automatically be. He may want you to contribute and help him; which there is nothing wrong with that concept, but again, communication is the key. Proverbs 4: 7 in the KJV says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get an understanding”.

Money matters and it is a big factor for the success of a marriage. If you want to be married someday, start working on your own financial security. You want to be a good steward over your finance--- (I Peter 4: 10) before God will entrust you to share this part of your life with someone else. Marriage is a give and take entity. You have to work hard at it, even if you believe that God has put you together. Discuss with your potential spouse what his or her values are concerning money and how do they feel about sharing and combining their money or will he or she keep a separate bank account and investments. Marriage is intended to be blissful, don’t allow money matters to ruin it.

"Now ladies if you are under the impression and belief that what’s his is yours and what’s yours is yours, you might want to rethink that. In today’s marriages both spouses are expected to contribute to the expenses."