Discovering YOU Magazine June 2023 Issue | Page 24


5 Expert Tips to

help You Prioritize

your Pet's Health

Article by Jason Gagné, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition),

2. Get plenty of exercise - Nothing strengthens the bond between you and your pet like doing something energetic together. Whether you take your dog for a walk in a place you both love or play a new game with your cat, spending quality time together is top of the list when it comes to showing your pet you love them and care for their well-being. Not only are pets kept active, but pet owners also reap the health benefits here.

3. Take care of their skin and coat - Brushing your pet isn't just for looks. Taking care of your dog's skin and coat is important for your pup's health. "A dog's skin and coat is their largest organ and protects their bones, muscles and other organs," says Gagné. "It also plays a vital role maintaining body temperature." Using a supplement like EverRoot Skin & Coat oil is a great option if your dog has sensitive skin, as it includes skin-loving nutrients like MCTs, vitamin E, DHA & EPA.

(BPT) - A healthy pet doesn't happen by accident. Even a dog or cat without preexisting health conditions needs their owner's help to live their best life and maintain their well-being. Check out these five tips from pet experts at Purina who explain how to prioritize your pet's health to keep your four-legged companion happy and healthy.

1. Provide complete and balanced nutrition - Ensuring your pet is receiving proper nutrition is key. "Many pet foods on the market today are meant to be the only source of nutrition for pets," said Jason Gagné, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition), Veterinary Technical Communications. "That's why it's critical that they're 100 percent complete and balanced for the intended life stage. When you see "complete & balanced" on your pet's food, it means that it provides your pet the right amount of all essential nutrients and in the right proportions that their bodies need.