Discovering YOU Magazine July 2017 | Page 8


critical issue at a younger age and must be addressed proactively if future generations will be able to reduce the incidents of harassment and sexual abuse in colleges and beyond.

Jensen offers the following recommendations for parents to raise children with compassion:

* Children learn by example, so let them join you in volunteer projects or encourage them to get involved in age-appropriate volunteering.

* Actively engage them in conversation about behavior that is troubling to you, whether it be playground taunting or headlines in the news. Ask them why that behavior is hurtful.

* Inspire children to select friends of all races, creeds and economic status - not just friends who look like them. Exposure to cross-cultural families and friends teaches tolerance and understanding.

* It's been said before, but is worth em-

"Today's youth are the long-term future of our country", Jensen says. "Watching how the world influences

their thinking at a

young age is truly an investment in the future of the country."

phasizing, that monitoring a child's exposure to video games, live streaming and television time is one way to reduce exposure to bullying and violent behavior in entertainment.

Newscasts are filled with broadcasts of murders, robberies, fires, war, and political corruption. Small children are taking this in and processing it, along with their visions of superheroes. Today's youth are the long-term future of our country, Jensen says. Watching how the world influences their thinking at a young age is truly an investment in the future of the country.

"Adults must become agents for positive daily behaviors that can lead to long-term change," Jensen says. "The Jensen Project is committed to providing the inspirational resources to help make this happen."

For more information about The Jensen Project, go to