Discovering YOU Magazine July 2017 | Page 30


".... spiritual warfare is a guarantee that you are doing something right, or God is going to use you

in a special way

in the future."

that time in my life, I was severely depressed and was searching for something. I can honestly say, I was almost done fighting for life prior to meeting him. God used this man to witness to me. I am not the kind of girl to randomly have coffee with a stranger but the Holy Spirit was working through Him and I knew that I was supposed to speak with him (well, actually listen to what he had to say). We shared our testimonies with each other. We had similarities in our stories. In fact, both of our lives started became difficult early on. A quote from that man that resonated with me through these past several months is the following and I believe it can be applied to anyone who is struggling, “Leah, the enemy did/does not want you here because he knows how special you are, what you have done and are going to do here on this earth for the glory of God.” I find this special but in a different way because spiritual warfare is a guarantee that you are doing something right, or God is going to use you in a special way in the future. I know have firsthand experience that life can sometimes (or all the time) be discouraging, however, as easy as it is to say, but yet hard to believe at times, whatever heartache you may be experiencing will make you stronger. I say with humility, this man was correct. My life started to turn around shortly after we met. I began impacting others for the kingdom in ways that I would have never expected. I had to endure the heartache before being complete in Christ.

After trials is perseverance. Believers who are facing trails must decide if they will persevere through life circumstances or allow it to define them. A classic

, it took time and because of the healing process that took place, I can have joy” It took several trials, that at times felt as if they would never end, for my relationship with Yeshua to be where it is currently. James 1:2-4 has been a pivotal Bible verse for me. During most of my journey through those difficult times, I have clung to this verse, however, there were times that I have not always believed this in my heart. I have learned that living in past mistakes and guilt are not worth the heartache. Only through the hope I have in Christ, I can face living. Not only can I have a full life, I can have one that is meaningful because I can live it for the Lord.

Do you notice how this verse says, “whenever you face trials?” Trials are a fact of life, especially in the Christian walk, when you are keeping eternity in mind while going through the motions of life. The Devil will attempt to distract and attack us. At the end of 2016, I met a man of faith at a local coffee shop. Around