Discovering YOU Magazine January 2018 New Year Issue Special Edition | Página 4


Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and it dealt you a hand that you were very pleased with. We all made it through another year and we are about to embark on another one; new with wonders to behold. The days ahead will render us all an experience we have never encountered before, yet we can go ahead with assurance that it will be everything we expected and more. Last year was great for our business/ministry, Your Own Uniqueness, Inc. We had many successes. The biggest success was our 2nd Annual WOW Event. It was well attended, and everyone had a memorable time. We also experienced an increase in our membership through our quarterly events. They were all enlightening and transforming. We had a lot of fun too. Our online magazine, Discovering You Magazine had its one-year anniversary on October 19, and our subscribership has grown from a meager number to an anticipated larger readership. We thank God and ask Him for an increase every day.

Even my personal life experienced some changes and growth. I have accumulated more wisdom and emotional stability. I decided not to carry excess baggage into the new year. I am truly focusing on a life make over and victory in every area of my life. I want to encourage all of you to do the same. No more resolutions; throw them out. You know it is not going to happen. Instead, concentrate on taking one day at a time and begin to work on getting rid of bad habits and incorporating some new and good ones into your life. While you are at it, begin to access which people you need to give the boot and stick with your decision. You know the old adage— “If you continue to do the same things that didn’t work before, don’t expect change, just the same old chains that will continue to bind you and hinder you to soar”.

The only thing I want you to look back on are the last several months of this fantastic, informative, inspiring, transforming publication. In this issue, we are going to spotlight the readers best choice from last year and a few from the year before. We listened as you shared your best picked articles, and we want you to enjoy these articles again. For you new comers enjoy them for the first time. Now of course, we will have some new original material and we are also welcoming a new columnist to our publication, Coach Hunee Bea (as she prefers to be called). I know you will thoroughly enjoy these heartfelt informative articles from this professional, well informed and passionate lady. In fact, you can look forward to a lot more experts coming on board to bring you information that will be life-changing. I promised you that this would be a one-stop shop publication and I aim to please. You know the drill. It’s cold outside, therefore, this would be a perfect time to read this great magazine. Put your feet up on your favorite recliner, make yourself a nice hot cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the journey of …. Discovering Your Uniqueness.


Tunishai Ford

Editor and Chief