Discovering YOU Magazine January 2018 New Year Issue Special Edition | Page 26


Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan


Rebounding while

Under Neglect & Negativity

The question or statement is always made, “I just cannot do this” or “I have had enough, and I cannot make it”. There are so many pressures in life that weigh heavy on us as individuals, many of us have been placed in situations that are beyond our control and like we can say “this is off the chain’. Whatever happened to my “sure foundation” is usually the question that we ask ourselves. I believed that to live for Christ, everything would be wonderful and that I would never have to face oppositions --- that would never change.

That brings me to my point. I want to talk about blessings from the Lord and how to inherit them, because a promise from God is a promise that He will never have to change and we should be recipients of His glory. Jesus faced his oppositions under negativity and neglect, but he understood his purpose and he knew exactly what his mission was. Regardless of who was against him regardless of how much pressure was applied, he still rebounded. Remember, all his problems came from those that were supposed to love hm. As he often stated, “I came for my own” but his own received him not (John 1: 11). He rebounded on knowing and understanding his purpose. He was born to die for the sins of his people and that was his Father’s will. You may have to live under circumstances that will never change. Do you fold under

pressure or do you find another way for the mission to be accomplished? There are inner strengths that we will never be certain of except we be challenged and face difficulties. For better or for worst, we develop a God-kind of wisdom and maturity to set standards based on His word. You must press toward that demonic opposition that tries to hinder your life and allow your faith to increase. Committing yourself to biblical truths will arm you for battle and regardless of the position whether over or under, you will still win and become victorious in every area of your life. The demon of defeat may still try to lay at your door because the enemy is always in fight mode. But because of the power that you possess, you now tread over scorpions and serpents and over all the work of the enemy and nothing by any means can harm you, (Luke 10:19).

The Holy Spirit’s role is to increase our faith where unbelief has crippled us and has intoxicated our mental capacities to degrees of addictions. Unbelief’s total purpose is to make us give up and throw in the towel. When you feel totally defeated and live lives of despair, shame and guilt, God hears the cries of your inner being saying, “God help me to expose the victory that lies deep in my uninhabited praise and worship”. God