Direct Access World Wide Magazine #1 Direct Access World Wide Magazine #1 | Page 5

Interview with "Halflip" Vocalist Steve Denig

Joseph Christian-How would you view the local hardcore scene and what are some positives and negatives that affect "Halflip" Steve Dening-Well to be honest what Hardcore Scene?, lol there was a good Hardcore scene in the middle to late 90's, now up here in the Poconos it seems almost non-existent, But, honestly I do see a few bands that are younger that are coming up and trying to ignite it all over again which is great, But i think theres more of a hip hop scene up here then a hardcore scene, But either way works for us, because we fit in at both, Our music is very lyrical, and also we get heavy, so I mean it works to our benefit being as diverse as possible,Joseph Christian-Do you have any shows/albums in the works? Where can interested listeners find your music?Steve Dening-Actually we are working on a new album right now, We are about 4-5 songs deep and will be releasing a new single soon, and we are on like 40-50 different websites, but you can check us out at Reverbnation, Facebook, anywhere really, just search us Joseph Christian-What are some obstacles that you have overcome personally, and as a group to remain a family after all these years?Steve Dening-Me personally have dealt with alot over the last couple years with depression, and other personal stuff I'd rather not get in to, and as a band I mean its been challenging having to replace some members, and overall trying to get together as a band to record or practice is kinda hard with everyone working and stuff, lol and its always a challenge trying to get 6 people plus management on the same page, but I'm sure all bands gotta deal with that, and most of us have known eachother over 15 years, played in past bands together and overall if you take this music away, we are all still family, We look out for eachother, We encourage eachother and always have eachothers backs no matter what