Diplomatist Magazine Diplomatist Oct-Nov 2018 | Page 27

IN BREXIT MODE The one constant "fi xture" of the Kingdom, the one Narrative that Still somehow holds it all together in British psyche is the The Royal Family Narrative. The core element of this narrative always has been the Queen. increasingly diminishing place in the decision making process of the Brits. In fact, The Royal Family Narrative is the only national export that doesn't seem to have been aff ected by Brexit. Let us analyze this narrative. Let us have a look at its constituent parts. The Queen and Prince Philip. The core and the backbone of the narrative. Many generations grew up with it ever "ticking" in the background like a Grandfather clock. Charles and Camilla. "Charles" part of the Narrative is better known for being lavish, for taking the royal train, for chartering jets, for having six butlers when one would suffi ce, for being for all things organic, for taking liberties,etc. It has captive audience of certain age (mainly male). "Camilla" part of the Narrative brings much needed light and fun and makes it more humane. "William and Kate" is a "quiet" one. It is mainly associated with involvement with selected charities and "Being a Mother" narrative. Then we have dozens of “Andrew”, “Edward”, etc- narratives that have a niche value. And now we have come to the part of Royal Narrative that, in my opinion, is best suited for the XXI st century- "Harry and Meghan". Both parts of this narrative are backed by very strong metaphors. "Harry" part is associated with Invictus Games, with adventurous youth, with rebellious spirit. "Meghan" part is the strongest one, in the eyes of the outside world. Let me explain. She is an accomplished actress in her own right, with a global popularity and a strong personal recognition for genuine human rights related campaigns. She has the reach to the audiences otherwise inaccessible to any other members of the Royal Family. It can be expected that, supported by her association with Royal Narrative, she will become the most acceptable envoy for Britain, especially in the US, Mexico, South America. We can only imagine what Meghan's proud identity as an American of mixed race means for the royal family, whose members include fi gures with the views that haven't changed for many decades( some say-centuries). The Royal Family is set to unleash a charm off ensive around Europe in a bid to keep the continent (and the rest of the world, for that matter) on the "right" side in post-Brexit period. There’s so much uncertainty about Brexit, about international relations, about UK’s relationship with the United States, about economy, about the future of the United Kingdom as a State and about people relationship with each other. The Royal Family is bound to succeed if it were to shwowcase the aspect of Cosmopolitan roots of the family- German, Russian, Greek, Amerindian, etc. Let us bear in mind that even though Brexit has not yet happened, Britain is already perceived as somewhat much "narrower", much less tolerant land. There is no denial that the main driver behind the Brexit always has been anti-immigrant rhetoric- bogeyman. The reality is that although Prince Harry is the most popular member of the royal family, with an approval rating higher than the Queen’s, he is sixth in line to the throne, so his wedding had no constitutional signifi cance whatsoever (that is why it was "allowed" to happen, in the fi rst place). But, paradoxically, this makes "Harry and Meghan" narrative so much more acceptable. It is no coincidence that Prince Harry said this in latest Invictus Games opening speech: "....We have learned to reject pessimism and cynicism. We have allowed ourselves to be inspired. And we have shared in moments of hope, joy, and triumph that have served as an antidote to the narrative of division and despair we too often allow to defi ne our era. So when all of you compete over the next week, remember that you do so, not just for yourselves; not just for your families; not just for your nations. You are competing with diff erent fl ags on your chest, but you are competing together for one Invictus generation....". Maybe, The Royal Family Narrative can drive the UK, once Great country, to the future that can be Imagined by the British People, the future where this nation will rediscover itself. Maybe the British People can write a new story about who they are in the XXI century. And Believe in it. * The author is a Civil Servant at Her Majesty's Government Revenue and Customs (HMRC). He created and ran the Competitive Intelligence/Counterintelligence cycle for Qatar2022 bid for hosting Football World Cup Finals. He was a "ghost writer" for few political fi gures in the UK and established digital entities worldwide. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 6 • Issue 10 • Oct-Nov 2018, Noida • 27