Diplomatist Magazine Diplomatist April-May 2019 | Page 43

GL OBAL CENTRE STA GE China is experiencing an economic growth slowdown; it may have a serious effect on the U.S. and the global economy. of traditional industries. As mass entrepreneurship and innovation came into the limelight, new market entities have been nurtured Obviously, China is progressing a new model of global economic cooperation. It has a broad vision for international economic cooperation and interaction. It is actively working with the UN, G20, BRICS and other multilateral cooperative mechanisms by playing a constructive role in addressing the common challenges facing the world. China is expected to account for more than 70 percent of the total growth of the so-called BRICS grouping of large developing economies. What China is looking for is to coordinate eff orts to make the emerging international system more balanced, equitable and sustainable. It is no surprise that China champions globalization. For China, export markets have spurred a growth rate suffi cient to move millions of people out of poverty into the middle class and affl uence. Impact on the US economy The United States has been the world’s biggest economy since long, but that top ranking has been under threat from China. The diff erent phases of economic cycles toss economies around the world. However, these top economies don’t budge easily from the positions they hold. China, with its giant economy, has a huge infl uence on world economies, particularly those related to China. A decrease in domestic demand in China will most likely adversely impact the world economy and slow down global economic growth. The United States is one of the countries that is likely to be aff ected by a slowdown in the Chinese economy because of the expected decrease in the export of goods and services to China. Since recently the Asian giant. China is experiencing an economic growth slowdown; it may have a serious eff ect on the U.S. and the global economy. Concerns are being raised that there is a wide possibility that the slowdown in the economy of China will have negative impacts on the markets that are closely related to its economy, one of them being the United States. There is a ‘Trade War’ between the US and China. The US has raised tariff s on certain imports. China has retaliated. a) The US imposed tariff s on Chinese imports to reduce this massive defi cit with China. b) The US also wanted to protect its domestic producers from competition from cheap Chinese products. c) It also wanted to protect jobs in the US. The point is to target China by making Chinese products more expensive for American consumers and businesses to buy. If Chinese products suddenly become more expensive, Americans will buy those same products from somewhere else, and Chinese businesses will ultimately suff er. China immediately accused the US of starting “the largest trade war in economic history to date” and retaliated by imposing tariff s on the US goods. This is only the beginning as more tariff s may come. Free trade indeed is benefi cial to all. China’s ambition to sustain an open-trade system is out of self-interest. Since China incrementally integrated itself with the world economy in the post-1978 era, it has reaped huge economic benefi ts. Prolonged trade war will certainly lead to slower global growth. The expansion of China’s economy brings it to about two-thirds the size of the US as of today, and at the current rate could overtake it within the next decade. However, it is the trade war with China, currently in a state of confused and uneasy truce, that represents the clearest and most immediate danger to what’s left of global prosperity. Time will tell what will be the impact of the trade war between the US and China. Conclusion China today is a global player both as the largest manufacturing economy and the largest export economy in the world. The simple fact that many of the products people use in their daily lives the world over are made in China, shows the importance of the Chinese economy. Any developments in China, be they negative or positive, infl uence the world’s largest economy and the world economy overall. China off ers a Chinese approach to problems facing humankind and is playing an even greater role in global governance by putting forward such concepts as a community with a shared future for humankind, promoting democratization of the global governance system, and endeavours to give more say to developing countries. China has shown a great development potential from its remarkable economic growth rate these years. There is a long way to go, but China aspires to play a crucial role in global recovery and sustained prosperity. What are China’s global economic intentions? Will China be the world’s globalization champion? The answer is “perhaps”, the world needs China a global player today. No one can be blamed for wanting to believe that China is leading the world economy into the future when it seems that no one else can or will.  * Author is a former professor, University of Delhi, India and Royal University of Bhutan Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 4 • April-May 2019, Noida • 43