Diplomatist Magazine Annual Edition 2018 | Page 9

Introduc@on Ruhee Neog Director, IPCS & Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy Deputy Director, IPCS According to the United Na*ons, "preven*ve diplomacy refers to diploma*c ac*on taken to prevent disputes from escala*ng into conflicts and to limit the spread of conflicts when they occur. While it is conducted in different forms and fora, both public and private, the most common expression of preven*ve diplomacy is found in the work of envoys dispatched to crisis areas to encourage dialogue, compromise and the peaceful resolu*on of tensions." It is important to consider the various defini*ons of conflict and peace, and how they play out in post-conflict scenarios to arrive at an understanding of the role of conflict diplomacy and conflict management in their relevant contexts. This annual edi*on of The DiplomaLst, developed in collabora*on with the Ins*tute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), New Delhi, is an aQempt to ini*ate a broader conversa*on on how diplomacy and management can and have influenced the outcomes of contemporary conflicts. Each analysis in this compendium focuses on a specific conflict, and explores experiences in conflict management, peace-building, peace processes, and circumstances conducive for successful conflict diplomacy. The ar*cles draw from one or more case studies, covering both successful past efforts as well as ongoing ones. All but two essays in this compendium are a study of individual cases of conflict diplomacy, roles of external powers, structural design of the processes, and determinants of success and failure in individual peace processes in Colombia, Afghanistan, Northern Ireland, East Timor, Syria, Israel-Pales*ne, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India-Pakistan-China. The two others focus on Women, Peace and Security in conflict diplomacy, and on "warring for peace." Significantly, observa*ons from experiences of case studies from around the world highlighted in this compendium by former bureaucrats, policymakers, academics, and journalists point to similar paQerns and trends that have influenced the successes and failures of diplomacy during conflict, peace processes, and reconcilia*on. Ambassador (Retd) Anil Wadhwa's observa*on that chances of success of preven*ve diplomacy efforts are reduced whenever major powers take interest in a conflict finds resonance in Naheed Ahmadi Farid's observa*ons that the US' involvement in the Afghan peace process frustrated it as the Taliban did not find it necessary to nego*ate with the Afghan government when they could do so directly with the US. Dr Shashi Tharoor iden*fies geopoli*cal objec*ves, hypocrisy and insincerity at the interna*onal level as problema*c factors that undermine efforts for peaceful solu*on — sen*ments that are reflected in Ambassador (Retd) KP Fabian's observa*ons on the Israel-Pales*ne conflict. That neighbouring countries occupy a unique posi*on with an ability to influence the direc*on and scale of conflict is reflected several analyses in the compendium such as in Ambassador (Retd) Deepak Bhojwani's assessment of the roles of Ecuador, Venezuela, and Cuba in the armed conflict and peace process in Colombia; Dr Bibhu Prasad Routray's observa*ons on China's role in the armed conflict and peace process in Myanmar; Naheed Ahmadi Farid's analysis of Pakistan's role in the conflict in Afghanistan; Yubaraj Ghimire's insights on Indian and Chinese roles in the peace process in Nepal; and Dr Joyeeta BhaQacharjee's study on Bangladesh's policy choices vis-à-vis the Rohingya crisis and their exodus from Myanmar. ii i