Diplomatist Magazine Annual Edition 2018 | Page 42

Knowledge Partner Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist Resolu*ons 242 and 338, and invites a united Pales*nian delega*on to come forward within six months of the announcement? If the Pales*nians produce such a delega*on, Israel should carry out its pledge to withdraw. If the Pales*nians fail to produce a delega*on, Israel can hold its head During the January 2001 high as a responsible member of the talks held at Taba in Sinai, UN and claim that it did its best to implement the UNSC Council Egypt, the two delega@ons made resolu*ons. an impar*al mediator in the eyes of the Pales*nians. What is lamentable is that the Pales*nians should have ever believed that the US was impar*al, even under Obama. President Trump’s argument that his decision on Jerusalem will facilitate a resolu*on of the Israeli-Pales*nian conflict is obviously flawed. Looking Ahead commendable progress. However, Israel was due for an elec@on and Barak had to suspend the talks. There is no reason to believe that the peace process will be resurrected even symbolically in the near future. Israel finds that it can live with the status quo. It granted municipal autonomy to the Pales*nians in the West Bank and Gaza partly under pressure but mainly because it is not able to administer the territory directly by employing the Pales*nians. This is much like how the Bri*sh were able to rule India for long because they had Indian allies and because there were enough Indians willing to be employed by them. Israel cannot replicate that model albeit it has enough Arab allies including Saudi Arabia remaining under cover. Diplomacy can produce results only when the two sides roughly equal in power either recognise the fu*lity of con*nuing with the confronta*on or are exhausted ajer a violent confronta*on. Diplomacy cannot succeed given the increasing asymmetry between the two sides in the current case involving Israel and Pales*ne. Israel has at *mes argued that it was impossible to seQle maQers with the Pales*nians as the laQer are divided among themselves and that Israel needs a counterpart with whom it can nego*ate. A thought experiment could be considered: what would happen if Israel announces that it wants to withdraw from the occupied territories in accordance with UN Security Council (UNSC) 31