DIGITAL UP Magazine NO.2 | Page 83

Lighting from above is a slightly unusual situation if working in the studio, but often occurs outdoors in a cloudy weather. It can also be seen at noon on a sunny day during the summer, in some interiors and on the theater and music stage. If using soft lighting, this is an effective way of emphasizing the form. If using sharp light, it could be creating a mysterious atmosphere by throwing dramatic shadows that hide the most forms beneath them: for example, people who are directly under the sharp light sources will have black holes for eyes since their eye sockets will be in complete shadows.
Artists relatively rarely use this type of lighting, which does not mean that it should not be used.
This is an unusual type of lighting and the fact that it’s not often seen makes them ideal for creating abnormal, eerie scenes.
[Photos: 15] Branko Stojanovic - Serbia
Lighting a human figure from above could give them a mysterious, even a threatening look