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gatekeeper. 177 Nonetheless, her soul remained engaged in thanksgiving to God. She even petitioned all in Heaven and on earth to be part of her grand act of thanksgiving to the Lord. II B.31 Jesus the Suffering Bridegroom and His Suffering Bride (Diary, # 268, 352, 348) (31.1) “Suffering and Humility Conform the Bride to Jesus, the Bridegroom” 178 (Diary, # 268): On October 11, 1933, Sr. Faustina attempted to make her first Holy Hour that day. But, she found it burdensome, with inability to discern even the most basic forms of prayer. During the second Holy Hour, she attempted to become more devoted, only to feel greater inner aridity and dejection. For the third hour, she resolutely knelt without support, with her arms stretched out continuously. Later, she took off the ring that she received on the day she made her perpetual vow and petitioned Jesus “to look at the ring.” She knew that it symbolized her lasting union with Jesus and offered to Him her recollection of the holy sentiments on that day. Shortly thereafter, she felt at peace, recollected in spirit, and immersed in feelings of love; she experienced God’s Presence, as well. Then, she saw Jesus standing before her. He appeared to her in the same way that He did, “in that instant” shortly after making her perpetual vows, as well as another time when she was making a Holy Hour. He appeared “stripped of His clothes, His body completely covered with wounds, His eyes flooded with tears and blood, and His Face disfigured and covered with spittle.” Jesus then said to her, “The bride must resemble her Bethrothed.” Sr. Faustina understood the profound impact of these words; without any doubt, her “likeness to Jesus must be through suffering and humility.” Jesus continued, “See what love of human souls has done to Me. My daughter, in your heart I find everything that so great a number of souls refuse me. Your 177 178 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, xl. Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 268. 85